VCTI Honored With a 2023 Workplace Excellence Award for Tech Culture by TMCnet

Written by VCTI | July 26, 2023

We are very excited to share that VCTI has been awarded a prestigious 2023 Workplace Excellence Award for Tech Culture. The award is given annually by TMCnet, the leading website-building communities online, in person, and in print for communications and technology markets.

This is a very proud moment for our company. VCTI proved to TMCnet’s editors and judges that we excel at keeping our team engaged, motivated, recognized for their achievements, and valued for their contributions to company goals.

VCTI was chosen for its “Employee-First” approach to benefits and work-life balance, offering a host of benefits, including opportunities for skill enhancement and training programs across all organizational levels, with a particular focus on supporting women in their workforce, job rotation, and mentorship programs; flexible work-from-home policies; generous paid time off and comp time policies; and extended health insurance.

We are grateful and humbled by our customer’s continued trust in us and being able to know that we’re playing a role in their success in this highly competitive and dynamic environment. We appreciate how they continue to expand and grow their partnerships with us. Our success is due to our ability to achieve a high level of customer and revenue growth while also building a culture that values and empowers our teams.

“Our team is critical to our accomplishments, and we are committed to an Employee-First culture that centers our staff and ensures that they are able to perform at the highest levels. As a result of their hard work, VCTI’s Broadband Investment Optimization Service has become the premier solution for service providers planning their broadband expansion strategies, and our software development teams enjoy the experience of working with and for some of the best-known, premier brands in telecom,” said VCTI CEO Raj Singh. “Coming out of the pandemic, we’ve been able to take the lessons of remote work to improve communications, creativity, and collaboration across the organization, resulting in even greater successes. We thank the editors and judges at TMCnet for recognizing our commitment to our employees and validating our approach to employee health, wellness, and fulfillment as a key strategy for growth.”

You can view our complete submission and write-up on TMC’s blog here.